Sunday 6 September 2009

Fat is a Feminine Tissue

I'm amazed at the media kerfuffle about this photograph published in Glamour Magazine of a model called Lizzie Miller with a little roll of fat on her abdomen. She's a woman - healthy women have a significant layer of fat beneath their skin - if they don't, they're not healthy, and are liable to infertility and long-term bone damage. Fat is feminising - the female hormones it produces even biochemically feminise fat men and often renders them impotent in a natural version of chemical castration

She's sitting down and leaning forward so the fat is being compressed and plumping out beneath her skin, as it should. I know Summer is silly season for  journalists, but this is a non-story if ever there was one.

I'm not sure where this obsession with women having skinny bodies has come from, but it's not from pressure from the majority of straight men - most of us like the look of women with the soft curves that a healthy layer of subcutaneous fat creates.

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