Sunday 26 July 2009

Welcome to the Harem

It's now exactly one week since I learnt the final lesson of my life, the lesson I should have learned the moment the first hair sprouted in my crotch. The lesson that other men tried to instil in me but to which I closed my ears out of a misplaced over-estimation of women.

I valued and priortised the wrong qualities, I listened to the bien pensant propaganda.

As if culture and sensitivity and education were important to prehistoric men and women, as if they are of any deep importance now.

I was expecting some generic Adonis - what I found was a knock-off of my former self.

I can hear the Gods laughing.

And my lesson learned? That to women a man's status is all. That women will overlook anything for that status, with its implication of security, which in modern terms means they crave money and dominance in their men, even if their men make them otherwise miserable.

Want to know why men are violent, unstable, overcompetitive? Because the greed of countless generations of women for high-status males has shaped men to be like that.

Goethe said "the eternal feminine draws us upward". Sentimental bollocks - the eternal feminine holds us down. Women are a sex so shackled to conformity that put enough of them together in a room and they'll even menstruate in tandem.

The eternal masculine drives us upwards. The desire of countless generations of men shaped women to be beautiful, fecund, and nurturing. Men have the focus to build the Cities but women have shaped men to burn the Cities down. The desire of women shaped men to be the very bastards women affect to hate.

Lesson learned.

Perhaps too late.

Or perhaps not.

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